Thursday, December 30, 2010

Too late now.

I realize in my half drunken stupor that I am a control freak.
I am a temperamental, foolish girl full of rage.
In order to be happy sometimes, I need to be fully in control and in those moments I am wrong.
Aarron, My boyfriend, has this friend. Her name is Stephanie (he, so fondly, refers to her as Steph.) See, Aarron and I got together about 3 months ago. So, a short 4 months ago, he was completely hung up over this girl and some say that he was "head over heels for that girl". Life's a bitch ain't it. He swears up and down that there are no feelings for her and that I am his one and only and that he likes me too much to be disloyal. Okay, I'll take that. But in the back of my head, I'm thinking "uhm, all right, so if you didn't "like" me so much, you would think about being disloyal.?" Maybe this is because I'm a girl and lets face it, girls are dramatic and they tend to over exaggerate almost everything. But, maybe theres a reason for my insanity. Do you think so because I'm just not sure. "She is just a friend. There are no feelings. She is my ex, she treated me like shit. She's out. You're in and staying." I guess I just wish he was better with his words. He gets invited to her parties and he goes. The last one he went to, I didn't even know he had a party to go to until 12 hours before said party. I'm venting. This is strictly a venting post.
How can you be "just friends" with someone you were so in love with, without feeling something when you're with them. Especially when your current girlfriend isn't there. I don't know, I guess maybe I'm paranoid and protective and controlling. Because he said he didn't know how to help me and make me feel better. My opinion, in all honesty, DONT HANG OUT WITH HER ANYMORE, STOP TEXTING HER WHEN SHES TEXTS YOU, or at least don't text her while you're with me. Don't call her nicknames like Steph. Don't tell me how certain things I do or say remind you of her and how it hurts you. Because that just gives me ground to know that you're not over her completely. If things still sting, its too soon. Maybe it is too soon... Maybe that is the conclusion I should of come to in the beginning. I should of known that you wouldn't be over her. You were in love, She left and broke your heart, You're definitely not over her. There is nothing I can do about it. Nothing at all.
Like I said, Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe I am exaggerating. Maybe, Just maybe.. We should have waited. Too late now.