Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My encounters with the supernatural

Ever get that pang in your heart when you're walking around and you feel as if someone else is there?

You turn around expecting to see a tall man looming over you just behind your heels. Yet all you see is the empty, freshly painted wall that has always been there?
You walk from room to room checking to make sure all the doors and windows are locked, and all the while you feel like someone is following a little too closely behind you.
You turn your back to the shower head to wash out your hair, and you just know that there is someone peeking around the curtain.


I've had these feelings since I was little. I've been able to sense things almost all my life. I have dreams, and their meanings predict exactly whats going on. I get these intense feelings where I know something is wrong with someone I know.
Now that there is a bit of history behind the story, I've got to tell you what is happening.

I was sitting on the couch and listening to Tegan and Sara. I felt and heard something large fall off my left arm. I looked everywhere and nearly took apart the entire couch to look some more. Found nothing at all. I get up and get an apple, and saw a shadow on the floor next to me. I turn around, and nothing is there. Making my way across the room I heard, rather then felt, someone walking behind me. I spun around quickly to see nothing but the kitchen table, sitting motionless staring at me as if I were the piece of discolored, out of place wood. After I devour the apple, I walk to the shower and Buffy, my black as night, odd mannered, under developed cat follows me in. Water on and hair soaked, she starts to meow. Louder and longer than ever before. I begin talking to her, hoping to shut her up, but nothing works. I sense a dark figure behind me. It felt somewhat less than good. It was misplaced. It felt as if the presence behind me was just lurking. Following me around like some crazed stalker. Leaving the shower, my heart began to hurt. Even now, laying in bed and telling you this, my heart hurts. It's a constant, deep, kind of pressure on my heart. Panic attack much?

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