Monday, August 2, 2010

Word of the day "Expression"

I've never really known how to express my emotions. I usually go and write about it and sometimes I talk to someone about things. But certain emotions like sadness, anger, hatred, etc; seem to be extremely difficult for me to express. I never really knew what it felt like to be sad. I was always angry, just angry. That's the only emotion I ever really remember that brought me to tears. It got to the point that every time I get really mad, my rage would trigger my tear ducts and I would cry. But today, I cried. And I don't know why. I calmly took everything off my bed and placed it gently on the ground as tear after tear riddled my cheeks. I don't know where the sadness came from. It just hit, like a wave of boiling hot emotion. My brothers sly little words came like a train as my little rusty red Buick of feelings sat without an engine directly ahead on the tracks. It never crossed my mind that he didn't mean to target my insecurities as he rammed right through my wall of defenses. Funny how in the most fragile of moments, the smallest little comment can send your emotions in a whirlwind of inexpressibility. So, today I sat in my bed with the lights off and I cried for no reason at all, with sadness sinking deep into my heart, for no reason at all.

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