Friday, August 6, 2010

I learned to Breathe

The sun rose this morning and peeked in through my delicate eye lids. I awoke to an epiphany. Last night I read "Tuesdays with Morrie" until 1:43am. I realized that I had to work today and eventually I fell asleep. Sitting in bed this morning with the intense urge to just sprint around the house. I realized that the 40 pages I read last night, had changed something for me. Changed the way I viewed the world around me. Its strange but for once I realize what the Buddhists are all working towards. The feeling of being "awake", the spiritual act of finally being awake and seeing things through a wide open spiritual "minds eye"? I'm not exactly sure here, but I feel.....Awake, and for some reason feel the need to connect the feeling to Buddha. I am full of this joy, this overwhelming joy and I'm not exactly sure why. I just know that I am ready to embrace it. Ready to grow up a little bit and stop taking things for granted. I have this warm, glowing, bright light inside of me. It gets brighter by the second and warmer every minute. I can feel it in my head, tweaking with my ideas of life and my philosophies, all that I believe in. I feel it glowing through out my body, changing the way I think about almost everything. This change, it feels like its happening to more than just me. I feel it in air around me. The plates are shifting, the trees are swaying, the air is playing with the clouds, the sun is caressing the fields, the mountains are drinking the snow. I'm not sure, but something big is changing. It could just be me, this new me. If thats true, than I never realized how blind I was to the world and all my own surroundings. This joyous new feeling of delight, of wonder, of amazement, of being so fully awake makes me think back to a song. I know its not the best of songs to be quoting but
"You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth
Until you learn to lie

You can't breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you're the joke
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

I know some things that you don't
I've done things that you won't
There's nothing like a trail of blood to find your way back home

I was waiting for my hearse
What came next was so much worse
It took a funeral to make me feel alive

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes
And see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?"
-SIXX:A.M.-Life is Beautiful-

SO, my friends. In honor of the beautiful, glorious day that it is. I dare you to go outside and take a deep breath. Just take 1 minute out of your day to bask in the sun and just breathe. Just breathe.

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